A Year in Quick Review - Seeking Inspiration Through Art, Travel, Tech, and Fashion

July 28, 2018

Can you believe it's been a year since I've written anything here?! I've missed it so much, mainly because you've gone quiet as well, I'm sure just patiently waiting for my next post ;) Anyways, I'm back now, mostly because I had to get through a few major life events, both including digging fully into a new career space in the crossover field between Design and Artificial Intelligence, but even more importantly - planning two weddings! I'm not going to hold anything back here - a wedding is something I've wanted since I was a little girl, however was never ready to settle down until the right guy came along. Since the right guy came all the way from Europe, we got to celebrate two times, two cultures, two dresses, two parties ... and I can't wait to tell you about it.

My NEXT post will be a full review of both exciting events, including the apps I used to plan, and the top recommendations for things you should not miss out on if you are still in the planning phase (note this planning phase starts from five years old and up). 

Today my goal is to catch you up since we left off just over a year ago......

MAY 2017

Where we left off, springtime in the Napa Valley

Living in San Francisco, nestled in the fog and bracing from the wind, we found ourselves escaping to Napa on the weekends for sun and amazing farm-to-table cuisine. I learned about ecological farming and ecosystem preservation as almost all of the farms are being displaced by grapes due to the rapid growth and opportunities for profit in the area of wine-making. Did you know 90% of all wine is consumed within 1 week of purchase? We also participated in this 90th percentile, as well as stocking up on our favorites.


Inspiration from the wildlife and agriculture in the valley inspired me to paint again. Besides bringing bubbly from Francis Ford Coppola, I made a gift for my grandmother for her birthday - hummingbirds are her favorite.

I set up the easel again in our city apartment


Lukas and I travelled to Italy, where we attended a real Italian wedding (in a castle!). Then we travelled around the country for a few weeks afterwards, I focused on enhancing my photography skills (this requires it's own post later on) and I think he was feeling inspired as well, because he proposed here, inside an enchanting cave restaurant during the trip! 


FALL 2017

During the fall I studied the intersection of math, art, and design. Developing my expertise as an AI Designer was a committed effort, during which it was also time to shop for wedding venues. In case you missed it, here is an insta slideshow of my top favorites from the Napa Valley, our wedding destination of choice.

Through caves, vineyards, and hilltops we hunted (and tasted) our way to the final choice. See the smog? That is not coastal fog, but residue from nearby fires that devastated the valley this year. Was such a tragedy and brave firefighters still work hard to keep this beautiful location in tact and thriving.

At work in Facebook campus in Menlo Park - I was not afraid to protect my lungs when the smoke got really heavy. 
This past fall was also my second trip to Paris, where I studied the history of Fashion and learned more about AI from our team there.

(Click to keep reading)

Late Fall was also a time to reconnect with my family and friends, which has priority over everything else. Pictured below is Thanksgiving with my mother, brother, sister-in-law and my niece. Then our annual Texas golf tournament in Whimberly, with my grandfather aunts, uncles, and cousins.

In Texas, we have to wait until the ducklings are clear of the tee...


Winter was both an adventure and a whirlwind. We wrapped up a long quarter as Lukas and I took off to Switzerland. Here we had our legal marriage signing in a courthouse in Zurich, where afterwards I was briskly whisked away in a horse-and-carriage to party organized by his friends and family. (Don't worry, this is just a sneak-peek).

After the signing and party, we travelled through the Swiss Alps aboard the Glacier Express. Through the snow over 500 year old tunnels and bridges, it sped along as we sipped champagne and enjoyed the amazing views. Was I a little freaked out when we got stuck once on a bridge and stopped during heavy snowfall with a 400ft drop? Maybe. Nonetheless I was overwhelmingly impressed by the technology and engineering behind this powerful machine.

During the trip, we stayed in cute little cabins in different villages. Time for snow-bunny gear (left) and prepping myself for the coldest I've ever been - (right) in San Moritz where I put on the entire contents of my luggage...and was still cold. 


Nordic and downhill slopes warmed us up as we skied our way through.

Davos, CHA

After the wonderful break, I headed to CES where I got to absorb the latest and greatest in robots, wearables, and up and coming transportation systems.

So much happening in the wearable space, not sure if anyone knows what they are doing yet, but I love that they keep trying.

E-ink dress


During the Spring I headed back to Paris, where I studied AI generative network technology with wonderful mentors and together we worked on creating a new way to "design" clothes. Here is a sneak peek at the paper.

I'll be speaking more about this at a conference this next month! Future of the Future is the theme, with other industry professionals and experts in this space including Google, Spotify, AirBnb, and more..I'm officially stoked to share everything I've been working on.

Which brings us 360 degrees back to the Napa Valley. We had a beautiful wedding, with all of the events and parties and I can say I'm officially exhausted but have never been happier.

Next up, wedding photos + full hair transition for the wedding!

...but for now, I'm reduced to lying around in hoodies playing with the latest and greatest in AR (augmented reality) filters. What did we even do before the butterfly filter??


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